I went, I saw, I conquered. Moreso...I went, scanned the room, and couldn't find the competition. Not bad for someone who was bent over in the doctor's office begging for a shot just yesterday. When we're full of ourselves, my baby boy J and I always imitate Joh.n Ce.na and wave four fingers to the face, look real crazy, and say, "You can't see ME!" Let me tell ya, that statement was appropriate tonight.
I had been slowing around all day, b/c I wasn't sure how washing my hair 5 times in one week was going to work for me. I popped 4 more tablets and just went for it. I thought about roller-wrapping it and keeping it straight but again, I'm sure that I got a bit of new growth that needed to be camouflaged by curls. I never missed the severe N.O. humidity until tonight b/c I was trying everything to make these bammas fall.
After I finished doing my hair, I went out to the mall to look for those daggone accessories that I neglected to get. Have I ever mentioned that I hate malls? Or that I don't like shopping? OK, now add to it that I forgot that this was December and that folk are going crazy 'round this time of year. It was my worst nightmare...feeling as if I had gotten caught up in a super-sized Wal-Mart. I race J around this outdoorsy-fancy mall in the cold and then head over to Kat's.
As promised, J brought his Wii and I ordered them a pizza and attempted to finish getting ready. I just couldn't get it together fast enough. Let me first say that Kat was my fairy godmother. That girl took care of me and J. She earned her spot in the girlfriend hall of fame. Kat pressed my dress and poked new holes in the straps of my stilettos so that they would wrap around my ankle more securely. She picked my polish color for my toes and just raced around the house to make sure that I had everything that I needed. And STILL managed to play J's baseball game. Seriously, that chick is amazing and came through like a G.
I arrived at the spot MORE than fashionably late, which was ok b/c my last word to my friends was that I wasn't going. I was happy to see some of the people that were laid off on Monday. I mean, it wouldn't have been me but I was happy to see them there...and drinking. Anyways, when I walked through the door, someone needed to wipe me down b/c I was on! Fugg a date.

Matter of fact, I may never go with a date again and mingle as I please. I am one of the more humble people that you'll meet on blog but I'm not ashamed to say that the "gorgeous" word was thrown around quite a bit, lol. The only problem was those damn shoes. Ya know, it was nice being 5'7" for a night...but uh...I don't need all that air up there. They are a size 8 if anybody wants them and can work them. My plan was minimized to taking pictures, eating, and throwing the deuce...which sucked b/c I love to dance. While chilling at the table, my girl tapped me on the knee and said, "I KNOW you're gonna get out there like you always do." I reply, "Naw, I'm just gon' chi..."
**Beat drops...voice whispers, "shu.ffle...cupid shu.ffle"**
DAYUM! My girls up here know that if the Cup.id Shu.ffle comes on, I drop convos, put down drinks, purses, and whatnot and get out there and line dance with the best of 'em. Hell, on my birthday I paused in mid-hurl 'cuz I heard it over the bathroom speakers and proceeded to drunkenly cupid shuffle in the stall. I'm SERIOUS about my game...I got my shuffle game tight, lol. I had a decision to make. I decided that I had to represent the dirty, dirty and would sacrifice my feet to ensure that there was no bastardization of the shuffle. You must respect and honor the shuffle.
Originally, there were about 4 people out there. I got on the floor and the bees started swarming around my honey. It all went downhill from there. Some cha cha slides and EWF covers later, I had forgotten the initial plan and lost track of time. However, my feet knew exactly what time it was. But whenever I tried to ease up off the floor, I got pulled back in. My boy Matt, who had 2 dates to choose from, wouldn't take no for an answer. So I had to give in. And then, I tried to do some spin and sneak off move when the next song came on and ended up near Promance, who was currently dancing with his date. He ignored her and then grabbed me really tight and well, I was held captive. He had been begging me all night, so I had to comply. Once that song was over, I THOUGHT that I was in the clear. And THEN, as that "Unchained Melody" song came on from Ghost, I ran right into the Prez.
Prez: I thought that you said that you weren't coming.
LB: I was able to score another babysitter.
Prez: Well, do you have a dance partner?
LB: No.
Prez: Well you do now.
This man starts swinging me almost off my feet and I had to tell him that I had on some pretty tall shoes so he needed to take it easy with me. He says,
"Well, I guess that means that I just have to hold you tighter."
Mental note: review Professional Conduct Booklet on Monday.
The company kept all 3 of the brown sugar girls in the office...I'm starting to wonder the real reason why, lol.
Anyways, it was a wonderful night and I'm glad that I went. I didn't stick to the plan and stayed much longer than intended but oh well. Some plans are made to be changed b/c you gotta give the people what they want.
** four fingers to the face..."You can't see ME!!!"**