
New Year's is approaching. I can't believe that 2008 has come and gone so quickly. I don't ever make resolutions, b/c come Jan. 5th all of 'em will be looking for me. I can only strive to be a better woman/mother/daughter/friend/engineer and take the lessons that I've learned over the past year and apply them. But while under self-scrutiny, I decided to start making changes now.

1. Career: After my company dropped the bomb in the middle of last month, it sparked much introspection. I have done some researching and have since found that other architectural-engineering firms in the area have been giving the same speeches to their employees and hiring freezes are the norm. Well, the prez has requested another meeting on Monday. Again, there is much speculation that Monday is Doomsday. I'm to the point where there is just not enough worry left in me. If it happens, it happens. I have already been knocked down a few times in life. I may lay there for a second, but eventually I come up swinging. I enjoy what I do, but if this is God's way of nudging me in the right direction, then all I can do is look forward to next season's blessings. If that's still in engineering, then my goal is to get my PE license next year and do my own hustle.

2. Love: All that I can truly promise is to keep an open mind.

3. Vices: I have become more and more raw by the day; yet, I've always known how unladylike cussing is. It's hard, b/c I think that its my #1 vice. But I have been feeling so convicted that I just can't stand it. We'll see how long this lasts, but I need to be better at controlling my tongue.

4. Spirituality: I have been struggling in this area over the past year and I'm positive that God wants more from me. I've been feeling as if I've been at a crossroads and have no idea which direction to choose. I need to increase my presence both inside and outside the church. Reading, praying, and speaking life.

5. Finances: I have been pretty steady in this area, but I want a "Travel Fund" so that I can afford to go back home as much as I want to and wherever else my heart desires. Of course, I want to save more but I still have some debt to climb. But again, I am pretty diligent with this and still foresee my student loans being paid off by June 2011.

6. Motherhood: I love my lil man, but I can stand to be more patient with him. And maybe I should work on his crawling into bed with me every night. I just want to hold tight to his youth, but it's probably time to let go. That's my baby though.

7. Reading: Do better.

8. Health: By the looks of my ankles, I think that I'm doing well. I have not had my follow-up blood test yet, but I believe that some of the diet changes have paid off. We'll see. There's always room for improvement.


Closed Account said...

Good check list. I need to make one but rarely stick to them so I wont make it too

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

2 and 7 are a must - we as a folk are so poorly read

Anonymous said...

Self reflection is always good...even when things are going great. I should do this.

Eb the Celeb said...

I feel you on 1, 2, 5 & 5... those are the ones I am currently struggling with... I try to use optimism though... because we could on be worse off than we are