run, Kizzy, run

"Hey Kizzy*, what are you limpin' for? You usually don't walk like that until you get old like me."

Oh, here we go...

"I'm doing well. Just overdid it on some yardwork. How are you?"

Mayne, it's too late to take that question back, isn't it?

GIRL! Let me tell ya...

How often have we asked someone how they were, only to be given a laundry list of how much their luck has run out. I ran into a g/f that I hadn't talked to have been somewhat avoiding. I've written about her before, the older broad with the 7 y/o kid (who's a little too affectionate). Let's call her Nita. I try not to have too many encounters with Nita b/c Nita is one of those people that likes to talk, likes to hear herself talk, and only cares to hear your cosign of choice ranging from an "unh hunh" to an "I hear ya." That's all you really have time to say in between her pauses, which would be cool if I agreed with the mess that she was saying. She's also the one that's so desparate for a man that it sickens me.

Well, she tells me that her home phone got cut off. In this day and age, I didn't know that that was still in style. And of course, I didn't know b/c I don't call her. She then proceeds to tell me that she's been struggling ever since she loaned her son's father $1600.

At that moment, I felt as if someone had just choked me out in the street. Let me tell you one thing about me...I'm not giving no man, no money. Triple negative my a$$. I wish an able-bodied dude WOULD form his lips to ask me for a portion of my single mother income. He just might get the cussing of his life! The only guys that I would do that for would be my son, my dad, and Navy. And I would do that for Navy b/c he's bailed me out on many an occasion but would probably be too proud to ask me for anything if, AND THAT'S A PRETTY STRONG IF, he were in a bind. My son's father does not get those privileges. He has called me from jail once, needing $400, and let's just say that he should be thanking God that they let him have another phone call.

But back to Nita...her son's father does not do his part. Part of that is b/c he's a shiftless negro, but perhaps the biggest part is that he's married and got married LONG before the conception of his child with Nita. If I had to put money on it, I would guess that her son was a trapping that went wrong, since it doesn't look like he's divorcing anytime soon and will not acknowledge his child in public. He is 48 y/o and on disability. So let's line up the facts, shall we:

1. He does not provide for his kid.
2. He consistently disrespects Nita and his wife.
3. Nita had to take out a loan against her car, in order to get the money.
4. Nita has an 18 y/o and a 7 y/o.

By my calculation (and maybe I forgot to carry the one or something), this dude's request should've been met with a dial tone. But also by my calculations, there MUST be some exchange of a$$ for Nita to have such impaired judgment.

And so now, Nita is struggling to make ends meet. She says that she's been asking for her money back and he keeps giving her an excuse as to why he doesn't have it. I said, "You're not getting it back. You know that, right?"

Looks like Kizzy* gotta keep on running.

* Nita nicknamed me Kizzy, ever since our sons played ball together and I took my flip flops off at a game and my feet got all dusty, looking as if I had been running for freedom.


Serenity3-0 said...

How does one even take a loan out against their car? That sounds like a payday loan or something.. More power to her. Tyler's dad could not get a cup of water out of my fridge if I was the only one on the planet with water.

Bananas said...

I wouldn't have the balls to ask a woman for $1600

Anonymous said...

My ex once said drive the twins half way because "gas was high". "Do him a favor". Gas is the same price for me! I wouldn't give him a soda as my grand ma used to say...

She has a lot of deep issues...

LB said...

@ DJ - LONG TIME, woman! She lives!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

doesnt sound like a man to me and thanks for the drive by do return pls

Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me