IMO Thursdays - Focus

A huge reason why we fail to achieve certain goals is b/c we neglect to turn the steps required into habits. And the reason they don't become habits is b/c we're too short-sighted and don't focus on the big picture.

I've seen relatives and friends alike go on diets to lose weight, but not to tack on 5 years to their lifetime. Saving is an afterthought b/c we'd rather have a new wardrobe now than to take advantage of compound-interest that can afford a larger wardrobe later. We'll make these New Year's resolutions b/c, well, they sound like a good idea to make...but by February we're onto something new, as opposed to, renewing our spirit.

I will keep this short, so I won't even begin to speak on diets or resolutions.

I am a saver. I am a consistent saver b/c I have made it a habit. While collecting unemployment for those 4 months, I still managed to save. Why? B/C if I didn't, it just wouldn't feel right. I also pay more than the minimum monthly on my student loans. This didn't stop, as well, b/c I had gotten used to paying more. Once I'm debt-free, I'll have more money to save. With more money in my savings accounts, I can afford to do almost anything that I want.

So I am sitting here, reviewing my numbers in my son's educational fund and am feeling pretty pleased with the increase. This is an investment in his future that can chart the course to greatness. Maybe he'll grow up to be some hot shot that will take care of me...handsomely. At any rate, I have learned to live without the money diverted into this account. Anything left after paying bills and saving can THEN go to whatever I desire. Bottom line...

Wealthy people, pay themselves FIRST. Not's, Tar.get,, etc. This can become a habit, if the focus is on the big picture.

Oftentimes, we gaze through a microscope...trying to make a big deal out of small things. I say, get out your telescope and focus on the stars.

Simply IMO...


Pam said...

Great post! I especially like this part "Wealthy people, pay themselves FIRST. Not's, Tar.get,, etc. This can become a habit, if the focus is on the big picture."

Anonymous said...

"Wealthy people, pay themselves FIRST" Exactly! My parents taught me this from a very eary age. I've never forgotten going to the bank at the age of 4 to get my very own "passbook". *lol* Do they even give out passbooks anymore?