...go all the way...

I was 13 y/o. At that time, my parents were separated and my mom and I were living with this couple...that I often refer to as my "other parents". I often tagged along with their son and his skateboarding friends, who were all 4 years older than me. On Sundays; however, I would hang with the dad and whatever drinking buddies that he had over and watch the Sai.nts game. I believe that this was when Bobby He.bert was the quarterback and J.im Mor.a was the coach. Back then, I was a serious fan BUT it felt as if I were having a heart attack EVERY GAME. Games much like the one tonight against Caro.lina, or even the one against Miami, would've gone down entirely different 18 years ago. Somebody would've scored 50 + points by the end of it and chances are, that team was NOT the Sain.ts.

But I would holler with the best of them sans beer back then. That is, until my mom told me that I needed to stop watching b/c I was getting too emotional. That was probably my fault for actually verbalizing that I felt my chest tightening, lol.

So here we are, charging our way to the Superbo.wl undefeated. Unfortunately, I've had to stream the games from my computer, for the most part. But I have the FB homepage up at the same time, so I can make a quick "smack-talking" update. Trust, I enjoy a win. I was sitting over here, spitting all sorts of happy expletives afterwards...to myself b/c J doesn't care about football. But honestly, if we lost, I would've been fine with that too b/c we've come so far. It's not even about being undefeated. These boys have heart. Heart and momentum have been the dangerous combo plaguing their opponents. I am so proud to be a New Or.leanian and I'm proud of those boys.

Now, I have a friend that said that while at an away game, he overheard a fan of the opposing team say, "Now we're going to finish what Ka.trina started." I understand that people get really passionate about sports...afterall, I had the chest tightening incident of '91. But I can't even begin to stress how f'ed up this statement is. Forget what my family and I lost b/c of Katri.na...people actually lost their LIVES. And if anyone is that damn insensitive, their team should get the breaks beat off of 'em and that fan deserves an old-fashioned ass whipping and a few swipes to the head with a bag of nickels.

So, two life lessons come to mind:
(1) DON'T BE STUPID! and
(2) Don't allow something temporary to cause you to suffer permanent effects.


clnmike said...

I will over the look the fact that your a Saints fan, (amazing how all yall came out of hiding this season).

But yeah way too soon with the Katrina jokes, not sure if there will ever be a right time for that.

LB said...

Yeah, amazing hunh???

kisz4tj said...

Katrina jokes? ignants