So if you're my friend or LadyLee (who I called before calling my daddy), then you probably just got the word that I was laid off.
I was going to write about my trip today, but this seems like a MUCH better topic, hunh?
Well, my trip to New Orle.ans was wonderful. Great food, great friends. I came back feeling rejuvenated. I planned my trip before we were told about our office-wide meeting today, so I thought that it was bad timing b/c I knew that I would be tired and may need the extra day off to recuperate. So I thought...
Going back home put a lot of things into perspective.
When I had dinner with my girlfriends, we were catching up on each others latest accomplishments and our jobs. Out of the five of us at the table, I felt as if I enjoyed my job the least. I don't know if its b/c they work more with people and I work with paper, but I started to reevaluate what it is that I was holding onto. Now, any one of them could've been faking the funk but I knew in my heart that I couldn't fake it if I tried.
Now that they've let me go, I'm just gon' be real for a moment. One thing that they did say to me before I walked out was that they couldn't afford me. They were DAMN RIGHT!
I had already been told to humble myself (in so many words) so that I could learn from my "mentor"...the prick that told me to "come and sit on his lap" when I asked him a question. They were already kind enough to let me know that they didn't support my getting a P.E. license or the other goals that I had outlined from day one. They made it clear that they didn't value my ambition or my motivation, so they were indeed correct! Them mofos CANNOT afford me. And I cannot afford to continue having chest pains and headaches to support their car notes.
But no hard faith was never in man and as long as I keep my faith in God, I KNOW that everything is going to be more than alright.
And how do I KNOW this?
While I was back home, I had my friend G drive me around my old neighborhood. And as I looked at my house and the other houses, I was reminded of where I came from. I'm not talking about the state of the 'hood b/c it was always a good neighborhood. But my mom died in that house and then 6 years after that I lost everything that I owned in that house. As long as me and my baby still got our health, the worst that could ever happen to me has already happened.
So while my two "superiors" sat me down in the conference room and talked to me as if they had me shook, I said nothing and (at times) tuned them out. They said that I could work up until next Tuesday if I wanted to.
I had 2 projects due tomorrow and I was thinking that I would have to work overtime b/c I had missed 3 days from being back home. Running the calculations in my head...**carry the one**
FORGET THAT! Let ya golden boy, Mr. Mentor, handle it...that is, when he's actually at the office. I threw the deuce and walked out.
I didn't say anything to anybody, except for 2 other girls that were left broken at their cubes. I hugged each of them tightly and let them know that everything was going to be ok. I wasn't in the mood to have anyone else comfort me. I'm going back this evening to gather my things in the quiet after I pick up J from school.
And that's that.
Now, here is what I ask of you. I appreciate words of encouragement, but if you are moved to comment PLEASE do not say that you're sorry or feel sorry for me. I don't need that and I don't want it. I know that it comes from a good place, but I am in good spirits right now.
If anything, just congratulate me on my new opportunity...b/c there is most certainly one in the works.